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The Bloodspeaker Iuchiban was a maho-tsukai of epic power, a terrifying madman who repeatedly threatened the safety of the Empire. The ronin Reichin heroically risked his life to combat Iuchiban's rise and was rewarded for his services with permission to found the Hare Clan. His descendents have continued down the same path, fighting Bloodspeakers at every turn, and later also confronting the insidious secret conspiracy called the Kolat. The clan has tiptoed the edge of extinction several times and only survived through sheer dedication to its cause.

Usagi Reichin

The founder of the Hare Clan was a man known for both his cheerful nature and for his clever tactics and great courage against the Bloodspeaker Cult. His guidance grants you a +1k1 bonus when resisting Fear effects; if the Fear is caused by a Bloodspeaker, the bonus is +2k2 instead.

Ujina Skirmishers

The Hare Clan traditionally focuses on a highly athletic and unpredictable school of kenjutsu, but the Hare’s Ujina family prefers to fight with knives. After joining the clan, the founder of the Ujina established his own dojo to teach his two-knife fighting style; although the Ujina Skirmishers have never advanced their style enough for it to become a school of its own, they are a significant asset to their clan nonetheless.

Usagi Bushi

The Hare Clan has seen a lot of combat for a Minor Clan. Their continued war against the enemies of the Empire has raged for centuries without an end in sight. Consequently, the Usagi Bushi School is one of the better-developed Minor Clan warrior schools. It has been perfected in battle and blood, as the Hare Clan has painstakingly learned what works and what simply fails.


Formed during the chaotic times following the Second Day of Thunder, the Ujina family is tiny, usually with less than two dozen members at any one time. Despite their modest numbers, the Ujina are proud to bear a name given by the Emperor. The Ujina are extreme pragmatists, and will not hesitate to perform the most underhanded feats if they will get the results the Hare need.


The Usagi have seen combat for almost their entire history. Because they know hidden threats like the Bloodspeakers and the Kolat exist, they are always alert and ready to spot signs of corruption. Unfortunately many elder members of the Usagi tend toward paranoia and do not trust strangers, although younger family members are usually more confident and optimistic.