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Benten's Touch

By calling upon the air kami to whisper suggestions to others, you may cause them to perceive the target of this spell more positively than they otherwise might. The target of this spell gains a bonus of +1k1, plus your Air Ring, to the total of all Social Skill rolls made for the duration of the spell.

Yari of Air

You summon a swirling weapon of pure air, only visible as a foggy outline. The weapon's default form is a yari, but one Raise can change its form to any other spear of your choosing. The weapon has a DR 1k1. If you do not possess the Spears Skill, you may instead use your School Rank in its place. If you do possess the Spears Skill, using this weapon grants you one Free Raise that can be used on the Feint or Increased Damage Maneuvers. This weapons disappears if it is lost from your hand.

Way of Deception

You can entreat the capricious spirits of the wind to create a perfect duplicate of you a short distance away. The illusion exactly reflects your appearance at the time the spell is cast, including your clothing and any equipment. The illusion may appear anywhere within the spell's range, and will perform whatever actions you perform while it is in effect. (If you sit down, for instance, your duplicate will sit down as well, even if there is nothing to sit on). Once you leave the normal range of the spell, the duplicate disappears.

Voice of the Wind

The kami of Air are fond of sounds, which are carried through their Element, and can lend their power to strengthen the beauty, passion, and conviction of the human voice. The recipient of this spell finds his or her voice gains timbre, depth, and resonance, becoming in every way more impressive. For the duration of the spell, the target benefits from the Voice Advantage (if he already has Voice, the benefits stack) and also gains a +1k0 bonus to any Social Skill Rolls that involve speech.

To Seek the Truth

You call upon the wind to purge the mind of your target, granting him clarity. This spell may negate temporary mental or social penalties suffered as result of a mechanical effect, including Techniques, Wound Ranks, or other spells. The TN of the Spell Casting Roll made to cast this spell is increased by the amount equal to the Technique Rank, Wound Rank, or spell Mastery Level used to create the penalty in the first place. Disadvantages permanently possessed by an individual may not be countered using this spell.

Token of Memory

You can create a flawless illusion of one object. The item appears real in every way up until the spell expires, at which point it disappears. If you are attempting to create a specific, familiar object, such as another samurai's katana, you must declare one Raise, and that individual may make a Contested Roll using his Perception against the total of your Spell Casting Roll to detect the forgery. Images created by this spell are completely stationary, and if placed in a situation where they must move (such as floating in water), disappear instantly.

Tempest of Air

You summon a powerful gust of air emanating from your position that crashes into all in its path, knocking them to the ground. All targets within the area of effect suffer 1k1 Wounds and must make a Contested Roll using their Earth against your Air. Every target that fails suffers Knockdown.

Nature's Touch

You are able to use the spirits of the wind to speak to an animal and ensure that it understands what you are saying. This spell works only on natural animals, and will not work with Shadowlands creatures or creatures from other realms. It does not guarantee that the animal will regard you positively or that it will fulfill requests made of it, but the creature will understand anything you tell it (within its ability to do so naturally - political relationships have no meaning to a horse, no matter how many times you explain them).

Legacy of Kaze-no-Kami

You are able to call upon the spirits of the wind to take form as a bird and carry a message for you. The bird that is created by this spell appears perfectly normal in all regards, but if it takes any damage it dissipates into wind immediately, ending the spell. Upon creating the bird, you may speak to it, giving it a spoken message of up to one minute in length. The bird will then fly away to deliver the message to the person (or persons) specified when the spell is cast.

Gathering Swirl

This spell, most often found in the scroll-satchels of magistrates and their assistants, seems to be a simpler version of the same prayer used for Freedom of the Air. It causes the Air kami to blow furiously through the area of effect, and while initially this seems to produce nothing but chaos, within a few moments the winds gather several unattended items and deposit them in a neat stack (though not an organized one) at whatever location within the area the caster might desire, including in someone's hands if that is preferable.